Nathan Medina – Wrongful Murder Conviction

“For more than 16 years I have been in custody – betrayed by my own trial attorney”

The Wrongful Murder Conviction of Nathan Medina

wrongful convictionWrongful Conviction.
For more than 16 years I have been in custody – betrayed by my own trial attorney – Dirk Manoukian, who was an ex-senior prosecutor for 14 ½ years before becoming a defense attorney.  Dirk Manoukian trained and mentored Steven Moawad, the senior deputy district attorney who prosecuted my case.

Proof will be presented that Dirk Manoukian helped his friend and trainee, Steven Moawad win his first murder trial by conspiring to permanently suppress what should have been the most crucial evidence in my trial: Recordings taken by the Walnut Creek Police the day of the murder:

  • 911 Recording (tampered volume)
  • 911 Recording from witness that stated I was not who he saw (never turned over)
  • Witness interview (WC PD claims the audio didn’t record)
  • Witness interview with witness tampering, and impeachment evidence (not used at trial)
  • Witness interview with impeachment evidence (not used at trial)

After the trial, Dirk Manoukian used all his contacts and experience as an ex-senior deputy district attorney to deprive me of these recordings, effectively cutting me off from any meaningful access to the courts for post conviction relief.

My mission

In order to overturn my conviction, I have to expose two prominent judges, the prosecutor who went on to be chief trial counsel for the state bar, three Walnut Creek Police Detectives, and my trial attorney.

Contra Costa District Attorney – Diana Becton was given false documentation by Dirk Manoukian in 2011 while she was a superior court judge in order to deprive me of these recordings.

Dirk Manoukian lied to and gave false documentation to the State Bar, state supreme court, multiple judges, multiple attorneys, my family, and me in order to protect the Walnut Creek Police Department, the prosecutor, and himself from having their crimes of moral turpitude exposed.

I am forced to have this website put up, as the courts have denied every motion and petition without ever reviewing the evidence which was withheld from the jury, appellate court, and myself.

This website and all information contained is for the exclusive purpose of bringing attention to my criminal case for post conviction relief as I have been denied all meaningful and timely access to the courts.